
Photo credits from left to right: Wieteke Wesselink, Femke Felten, Jon van Schaik, Jolien de Wolf, Thijs de Wolf.

Renske de Wolf was born in Heerlen, the Netherlands, on a cold Thursday in December 1987. She has been a lifelong writer and first began writing screenplays when she was 7 years old. An avid Oxford comma enthusiast, Renske has been an archaeologist, a salsa dancer, a stage actor, an ex-pat in Barcelona, and a university finalist for Strategic Business Plans. She was excited to become a whiskey connoisseur, until she sadly discovered she found whiskey, in fact, disgusting.

Renske currently resides in a small village near Eindhoven, the Netherlands. In her free time you can find her annoying her cats, dancing, reading a good book, or performing on stage with the International Theatre Collective Eindhoven. The King of Wolves is her first book.